Kaython, Mommy, Kelton

Kaython, Mommy, Kelton
Picture for Daddy's Desk at Work!! We hope he just loves it!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

That Time Again...Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Kaython started Kindergarten this year and he so far loves it! The first day he came home he started talking about his two new friends, Braxton and Isaac. He says his teacher is really nice. Which she seems nice and I think she will be able to teach him a lot. Hopefully he will start understanding how to read. I've been trying to teach him but he doesn't get that the sounds of each letter make the word.
I also started back in school and I am so excited about it!! I cannot wait to get my RN!! I have so many things I want to do and learn, but I cannot do them without my RN. Anyways, right now I go on Thursdays only, but it is a full day of school (9-5). I've already started the count down to the end of this semester....12 days! WOOHOOO!! I'm still on the 5th floor at EIRMC, there for a while I wasn't liking it too much, but I've had an *attitude adjustment* and I am enjoying it again.
Brandon got his deer (a four point buck) just three hours into the hunting season. It is a pretty good size one and he got with his bow. ~Good Job Babe~ And of course he will always be at Meleleuca; it's where he is comfortable!
Baby Kelton has been doing good up until this last week. We (well Brandon) had to take him into the Emergency Room on Monday for a temperature of 103.7, (that's with Tylenol and Motrin on board. But they just said it was a "possible ear infection". So, of course we were prescribed the one and only antibiotic: amoxicillin. But he seems to be doing better now, but he is not back to himself yet. Oh-yeah, and I haven't written for awhile, so I've missed a few things. Kelton started walking on the 4th of July and we celebrated his big one year old birthday on August 21. I did a circus theme party and we had an amazing time. It turned out so cute. At the birthday party my sisters boyfriend proposed and she said yes. They are getting married on Friday, less than a week away! So, I've been busy trying to help her get it all planned! SO fun! She is going to be so beautiful! Anyways, that's a quick summary of what's going on. Jody...I need your frequent reminders to update my blog :).


Jodi said...

Oooh I love it! Cute pictures of your boys and family! Who took them? I was so excited to see you updated!!! Looks great!

ang said...

those family pics are so great. it was good to see your post and catch up on how you guys are doing. You have 2 cute cute boys. good luck with that. with any luck they wont take after their dad to much. ha ha